Why Do I Exercise But Not Lose Weight?

Why Do I Exercise But Not Lose Weight?

Why am I not losing weight despite my exercise?

It can be frustrating to work hard at the gym but not see any weight loss.

Exercise doesn’t always lead to weight loss, despite what it may seem like.

Three questions to ask yourself…

1. Do you have a real calorie deficit or not?

You need to consistently create a deficit in calories over time to lose weight. You will lose weight if you burn more calories over time than you consume.

If exercise burns calories, then it should automatically result in weight loss. Exercise does not always lead to weight loss.

You cannot maintain a deficit in energy balance. Tracking your daily activities with a step counter and keeping a food journal can help you identify any areas that are holding you back.

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2. Do you move less outside of the gym?

Non-exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) is a major driver for weight loss. This is the energy used in any activity other than formal exercise, such as walking your dog, playing with kids, cleaning the car or fidgeting while at work.

If you are active all day, your NEAT could account for up to half of your energy expenditure.

When people begin an exercise program, they can see their NEAT drop. This will reduce energy expenditure and eliminate your calorie deficit.

We advise our clients to maintain a NEAT of at least 10,000 steps daily. This can be easily tracked with a smartphone app, fitness watch, or pedometer.

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3. Do you eat more than you realize?

The majority of people overestimate the calories they burn through exercise while underestimating how many calories they consume each day.

Many people think that if they exercise and burn more calories, then they should be able eat more food or indulge themselves. The extra calories consumed can easily outweigh the calories you have burned.

It can sometimes be difficult to detect. A slight increase in appetite may lead to an extra biscuit or larger portion of food at dinner. Extra calories can be detrimental to your weight loss efforts.

We encourage our clients to keep track of their food intake. It is important to keep an objective and honest view of their food intake, whether it’s by logging the calories or measuring portion sizes.

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Weight loss is a result of exercise. Ultimate Performance helps people achieve transformational results by combining progressive weight training with an increase in daily energy expenditure.

Exercise is not the only way to lose weight.

Weight loss is most sustainable when you combine diet and exercise strategies.

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