Rest Day Morning Routine

Rest Day Morning Routine

Runner Rest Day Morning Routine

This is my Rest Day morning routine. Rest Day means different things to people (and runners). The rest day I take depends on whether I am training for a half-marathon or a full marathon, and the difficulty of my training plan.

Runner Rest Day Morning Routine

In the last few months, I have been running five days a week. This means that I rest two days from running. On one of those days, I will do strength training. The other day, I will try to completely stop working out. Since I’m a little extra energetic, I use my rest day to do laundry and clean.

Yesterday, I recorded my little morning routine in a few short videos to share with you.

Rest Day Morning Routine

I was unable to go back to bed, so I decided to start my day early. The first thing to do is have a cup of coffee.

Coffee with collagen powder and creamer. I usually drink iced coffee, but lately when I brew a fresh pot I pour myself a cup of hot coffee and drink it until it cools off. I like my hot beverages HOT so it gets too cold for me fast and I pout it over ice.

 Runner Rest Day Morning Routine

My supplement organizer. It’s absurd. I use a supplement container that has a week’s worth of holders. I spread out my supplements and vitamins to aid in their absorption.

I prepare my meals on Sundays. The first thing I do is make a large batch of hard-boiled eggs.

Runner Rest Day Morning Routine

Breakfast was grated hardboiled eggs smashed with avocado and toast with PB&J.

Runner Rest Day Morning Routine

Diego and I took a nice lil walk for some light movement. Again, I don’t run or workout in any official capacity on my complete rest day. But Diego needs to take a walk and usually invites me to go with him.

Runner Rest Day Morning Routine

I washed clothes the day before and folded them when I got back from our walk. I also organized my running clothes into outfits so it’s easy to grab and go for my morning run. I share How to Make Fast Running Outfits on this post

Runner Rest Day Morning Routine

Then, I planned out my runs and workouts for the week.

TIP FOR RUNNING: When planning your schedule, check the weather forecast for the week and plan around extreme weather conditions. If possible, run on the treadmill or avoid the worst weather. The weather will not stop you from achieving your goals on important run days.

Runner Rest Day Morning Routine

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