Does Eating Breakfast Help Us To Be In TheBest ShapeOf Our Life?

Does Eating Breakfast Help Us To Be In TheBest ShapeOf Our Life?

If you are familiar with our work at Ultimate Performance, these questions may surprise you.

Our relentless pursuit of excellence is what sets us apart in the personal trainer industry.

Many trainers forget that in our cookie-cutter fitness world, where one size fits all, the client is the most important person.

If you try to force a certain way of thinking on a client, they will be frustrated, noncompliant and look elsewhere very quickly.

Breakfast is a daily ritual for most of our clients. Breakfast cereals are a multi-billion dollar industry that has brainwashed millions into thinking they’re essential for starting the day.

These clients will feel much better when they swap two fillets grilled salmon with vegetables for a bowl of Cheerios.


What if you dislike breakfast? What if you felt better if you skipped breakfast altogether?

Scientists have been telling us for years to eat breakfast. Skipping it is a sure way to become obese and sick.

It is a societal norm that breakfast is the most important meal. To contradict this would be sacrilege.

This belief is alarming because it has affected the scientific research that has looked at the effect of breakfasts on obesity. The researchers have concluded, on many occasions, that there exists a relationship (correlation doesn’t mean causation! ).

Recent meta-analysis found that the belief in the benefits of eating breakfast “exceeds scientific evidence”. The analysts dug deeper and found that the work was flawed. One of the problems they discovered was a bias in interpreting the results.

We have to be careful when it comes to research on breakfast. There’s no answer to the question because of poorly conducted studies, contradictory opinions and results.

This is not to say we have done a complete 180 on the topic – but rather to emphasize the importance of remaining open-minded in order to find a way to eat that suits YOUR needs.

The topic of nutrition is always being debated. It’s not needed. This is the easiest part of determining your body composition. Stick to your plan, create a calorie surplus and eat healthy foods.

The first and foremost benefit of skipping breakfast is this.

Individual Breakfast Selection

It’s hard to stick with a diet when you want to get in shape. We will do everything we can to make the client’s life easier. This may mean skipping breakfast for some people.

UP trainers have the advantage of being part of a research lab that is constantly in operation. We know what works for a wide range and population.

A small minority of clients can benefit from skipping breakfast. It makes them more compliant over time.

Breakfast can be forced on some clients who are not hungry.

Some people don’t like it and feel sick.

Some people are affected by their productivity and schedule. Some people feel productive in the morning and want to capitalize on that feeling.


Benefits of Fat Loss

When pursuing fat loss, the most important factor is to look at the overall calorie intake (assuming we are eating the right foods). If you don’t overeat the rest of the time, skipping breakfast can have a negative impact on your energy intake.

male rope training

Second, anyone who has been dieting for a while knows that any trick to reduce your hunger is worth trying.

Some people find that skipping breakfast in favor of eating later can help them to reduce hunger. You’ll still eat the same amount of food, but you will do so in a shorter time period. This is a psychological benefit that will increase adherence.

Health Benefits of

The health benefits of skipping breakfast and fasting for extended periods are very convincing.

Reduced markers of inflammation and oxidative stress, as well as blood pressure.

Increased cell repair, improved cardiovascular function and increased growth hormone release.

All of this sounds great.

These findings are not as convincing because you can find just as much research that shows the same results when eating in a normal caloric deficit.

The most relevant and discussed health benefit is anti-aging.


Improve the natural process of autophagy. This is the “removal” of cellular waste from your body.

It is easy to imagine it as a ‘housecleaning’ of the body. Autophagy is a process that helps to improve our body’s efficiency by removing faulty organs, cancerous growths, and metabolic disorders. Autophagy is vital for healthy ageing and becomes increasingly important as we grow older.

Extended fasts, in addition to exercise, are one of the most effective ways to speed up autophagy. This is because it allows our bodies to remove the debris.

What should you do?

This article is not intended to be a call for people to give up their breakfast. It’s far from that. This article is meant to encourage people to consider the possibility that breakfast may not be essential for everyone.

Most of our clients eat breakfast and enjoy the energy boost and increased focus that it provides. Personal training, however, is all about tailoring the process for each client. If your client feels more comfortable eating breakfast later in the morning, go ahead.

A word of caution: Do not label the precise timeframes you should or shouldn’t be eating within.

Some popular protocols for ‘intermittent’ fasting can lead you to believe that you have to fast 16 hours and eat only when the clock reaches midday.

To reap the benefits of delaying breakfast, you need to experiment and find what works best for your personal preferences, needs, and goals.

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