What To Eat Prior To Working Out (3 Tips)

What To Eat Prior To Working Out (3 Tips)

carbohydrates and whole grains

What should I consume before working out to maximize my results?

It is one of the more common questions clients ask. The answer you get can have a huge impact on your workout.

If you get it right, you will feel energized and ready to smash every rep.

If you want to achieve muscle growthweight loss, or good health as your goals, there are three key areas that should be addressed when it comes to your pre-workout diet.

1. Take care of your energy levels

Depending on what you do, your body needs different types of energy. There are two nutrients that you should focus on if your goal is to improve weight training.


Creatine, found in beef and fish, helps to support the creatine-phosphate energy system. This is important for short, explosive movements such as heavy deadlifts. You can increase your training volume by supplementing with 5g of Creatine daily.


Your body derives glycogen primary from carbohydrates.

Focus on eating high-quality carbohydrates from whole foods in order to replenish your muscle stores. We recommend that body composition clients consume carbohydrates post-workout, or at the end of the day.

If you’re training to improve your performance, eating a meal a few hours before your workout can help you prepare your mind for the session.

Sweet potatoes, grains or oats are all good sources of carbohydrates.

carbohydrates and whole grains

2. Take the right amount of protein

The protein synthesis process repairs and rebuilds muscle tissues. This process can be stimulated in two ways.

  • Weight lifting
  • Eating protein

Everybody is worried about the so-called “anabolic period”. Research shows that the most important thing is to consume enough protein throughout the day.

It is important to ingest the amino acids, either through food or by using our Amplify research-based product. This will help you repair muscle tissue right away.

healthy protein sources

3. Hydrate yourself properly

Dehydration can kill your performance during exercise. Dehydration of even 2% can reduce your power and strength output required for a good workout.

It’s important to keep your body properly hydrated all day long, not just when you exercise or are thirsty.

Amplify helps maintain optimal hydration by replenishing electrolytes.

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